Applicator Lyapko for weight loss
"I saw several people who died of hunger and hundreds of thousands from a hyperalimentation".
"If you want to prolong the life, truncate the meals".
Benjamin Franklin, American educator, 1706-1790
These words were told in the 18th century. Today they sound even more relevant.
The hyperalimentation and obesity became a huge medical and social problem around the world.
Obesity is not only "the excess body weight", it is a serious chronic illness. People aren't ill any other illness as often as obesity. More than 1 billion people in the world are over weighted.
This problem is relevant today
In economically developed countries about 50% of the population is over weighted; from them 30% have obesity. In Russia about 30% of people of working-age have obesity and 25% are over weighted. Every year the number of children and teenagers having obesity is enlarged. Obesity is considered as the global epidemic.
Unfortunately, not enough attention is paid to a problem. In Ukraine there is even no official statistics allowing to estimate the scale of this problem now.
According to certain authors the overweight and obesity are problems which practically every third or fourth resident of our country has. However, these patients are unsuccessfully treated for the associated diseases caused by obesity without receiving the specialized treatment of a basic disease.
The high medico-social importance of a problem of obesity is defined not only by its prevalence.
It is well known that overweight causes a lot of additional problems – restriction of physical activity, prejudiced attitude of surrounders, problems in private life and professional activity, difficulties in the choice of clothes and many others.
Patients with obesity often suffer from depressive and neurotic states.
Besides social disadaptation and psychological problems, obesity is also followed by high risk of invalidism of patients of working-age and appreciable reduction of life expectancy. It occurs owing to development of serious associated diseases which cannot be treated without losing weight.
Causes of obesity development
There are a lot of causes for obesity development: person`s lifestyle, environment factors, endocrine system disorder. Body weight is defined on 24-40 percent by genetic factors, the others are defined by factors of a lifestyle, eating habits. Not only biological features of an organism can be inherited. Very often a way of life, eating habits which are developed in a family "are inherited" and acquired by each of us in the childhood.
Obesity develops owing to misbalance of energy of an organism. The power consumption occurs in three processes: metabolism, digestion of nutrition, muscle work. Weight depends not only on what and how much a person eats, but also on his active lifestyle. Muscle work promotes a lowering of arterial pressure, level of triglycerides, glucose in blood and rising of concentration of «good" cholesterin.
75% of the energy arriving with nutrition is spent for metabolism, 10-15% - for production of heat, 15-10%-for physical exercises. In the last decades in many countries the standard of living has increased, nutrition has changed, consumption of high-caloric products with the high content of fat and with the low maintenance of fibres has increased.
All this promotes consumption of excess energy and spread of obesity among all people. In many countries time for physical culture in educational institutions disappeared or sharply reduced that promotes spread of obesity at children, even at the earliest age.
Fatty tissue is an important component of our body. It performs several important functions:
- keeps energy;
- Protects internals from injuries;
- helps to regulate body temperature;
- accumulates liposoluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and keeps steroid hormones (especially estrogens - female sex hormones);
The problems of excess weight and obesity, disease-prevention and medical service are very relevant. Just imagine – weight reduction on 10 kg at obesity reduces risk of death by 25%.
About activity of fatty tissue
"The fatty tissue is an active endocrine organ, synthesizes more than 90 active agents: cytokines, angiotensin, hormones (leptin, adiponectin), antiinflammatory cytokines, etc. Disorder of fatty exchange leads to rising of level of free fatty acids and TG-triglycerides, if they are in excess, they impregnate all organs and tissues and break their function. This phenomenon is called lipotoksichnost".
A.I. Paltsev, honored doctor of RSFSR, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, doctor of medical sciences, professor, honored worker of science and education.
Adiposity in a stomach (an abdominal obesity) is the most adverse; it leads to changes in internals (heart, a liver, etc.). Fatty cells (adipocytes) are more active metabolically and throw out free fatty acids directly in the portal system of blood, impacting on a metabolism.
To estimate the level of obesity the indicator of the index of body weight (IIB) is shown.
IIB = body weight in kilograms (kg): body height in square meters (Sq.m).
Norm is 18-24,9 kg /m.
Optimum safe IIB:
for women - 22-23,4kg/m
for men - 23,5-25 kg/m
The simplest method of assessment is to measure a waist circle. If women have a waist circle with more than 80 cm and men have more than 94 cm, which mean people are over weighted.
The problems of excess weight and obesity, disease-prevention and medical service are very relevant. Just imagine – weight reduction on 10 kg at obesity reduces risk of death by 25%.
With development of obesity, the number of assiciated life-endangering diseases grows:
- diabetes mellitus;
- arterial hypertonia;
- coronary heart disease;
- myocardial infarctions;
- strokes;
- atherosclerosis;
- joint and back pain;
- oncologic diseases of an intestine and thoracal glands at women;
- cholelithiasis.
About advantage of an obesity.
- - Fat people live less, but eat more. (S.E. Lets)
- - Obesity reduces risk of cancer of lungs and stomach.
- - Fat people are more benevolent and quiet.
- - Fat people have depression not often.
- - Fat people will live longer in hunger conditions - while thick dries, thin will die.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, 1860-1904
So, obesity is a serious illness which needs treatment. The main thing in treatment is selection of moderately low-calorie diet (clinical nutrition), augmentation of an exercise stress (including massage), psychological and social support (psychotherapy).
The best way to lose weight is to apply Lyapko Applicators
Methods of correction of weight with Lyapko applicators
Offered by Lyapko MPC method of correction of weight and figure forces patients to believe in themselves and in possibilities of the organism. Application therapy isn't only aimed on disposal of a fatty layer, cellulitis and decrease of weight. It is a real treatment of all organism, microcirculation restoration, improvement of metabolism, strengthening of immune system, improvement of mood and rising of working capacity.
Thanks to influence by Lyapko applicators rate of lymph flow and blood circulation during the session is enlarged.
The course of application therapy is at least 15 procedures. Duration of a procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes. Control arterial blood pressure when you have a procedure. It is better to have a procedure in the first half of day, once a day.
Lymph drainage effect
For intensifying of circulation process with a big roller some parts of a body (backs, stomach, arms, legs). Process each site about 5-7 minutes.
It is necessary to begin with a back running in along a backbone. The direction of movement in case of normal arterial blood pressure is arbitrary, in case of raised - from top to down. Further move to thorax and stomach. Then process extremities from the periphery to center.
For effective burning of fatty deposits the applicator with a step of 6,2, - 7.0 mm needs to be put for 7-10 minutes to zones of the greatest congestion of fat and to a backbone zone — lumbar department — for 15-20 minutes.
This session should be held in an hour after intake of easy food, after massage it is also not recommended to eat food, it is good to drink only still water. Criterion of completion of influence of such procedure is the feeling of heat in a stomach.
Intensify fat burning effect
The magic tapes "Health" are used for intensification of fat burning process: twotapes with 1+1,1+2 7 or 9 segments. They are placed on problem areas.
To gain the effect it is possible to combine application wrappings with tapes and belts and physical activity.
In a place of an applicator application there is an intensive combustion of fatty tissue with the release of a large amount of heat and liquid.
The procedure can be finished with intensive massage of zones with the increased fatty deposits by means of the Pharaoh massager. Skin is processed with massage oil or cream.